Monday, September 2, 2013

How acid reflux can worsen your asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by difficulty breathing , wheezing , and mucus accumulation
People with asthma are sensitive to drafts and hyper-reactive to allergens. During an asthma attack , the airways become irritated and react by reducing the diameter of the bronchial tubes , causing resistance to airflow , and obstructing the flow of airways to the lungs.
Some research indicates that the symptoms of asthma may get worse when you have heartburn or suffer from acid reflux .
Gastric reflux occurs when the undigested contents of the stomach back into your esophagus . Acid reflux can be relieved with natural remedies that address the causes of gastro-esophageal reflux.
In some studies, the researchers injected the acid into the esophagus of people with asthma, and it has had a significant impact on their asthma and increased their asthma symptoms .
These studies suggest that people with asthma suffer from acid reflux more often than others. This is probably due to the large pressure changes in the chest during breathing . These pressures could force the liquid in the wrong direction of the esophagus (gastric ascent) .
Asthmatics seem to lose twice : they suffer from asthma and they may suffer from acid reflux more often than non- asthmatics.
However, if gastric reflux were really an important factor in aggravation of asthma, then treatments against acid reflux should improve asthma, however, is generally not the case .
Meanwhile, if you have asthma and you also have acid reflux , it is certain that the decrease your acid reflux will help you breathe better .
Using a doctor who uses natural methods to treat acid reflux is the best way forward. The use of drugs to eliminate acid reflux when you are already taking medication for asthma raises issues of long-term health . It is best to use natural remedies and food rules adapted to eliminate the syndrome , gastro-esophageal reflux.

Diet tips against acid reflux

Regardless of the type of acid reflux you have, and no matter the underlying factors to your fight against heartburn , a change in diet can have remarkable effects on the management of your acid reflux. Here are the basic nutritional principles :

There are foods that encourage heartburn in many people , three general categories

    high-fat industry ( saturated and trans-fatty acids )
    some dairy products ( hydrogenated margarine )

Tomatoes are also known to cause heartburn and symptoms associated with acid reflux.

There are many types of foods that tend to be more likely to trigger the symptoms of acid reflux and gastric acidity.

Avoid or reduce your intake of these foods can help alleviate the situation :

    Coffee and high doses of alcohol ( rosé )

    vitamin C and calcium supplements are stimulants of gastric acid.

    Chocolate and peppermint , fried onions

    Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts .

    Milk and milk products should be avoided at bedtime .

If you recognize the foods that seem to have a " heartburn " effect on your body , you may find that eating in the morning instead of bringing their consumption bedtime will relieve your symptoms of heartburn. During wakefulness and activity, our body makes better use of stomach acids that it uses to digest the food we ate .

I suggest you take a quick look at these "tricks of grandmothers ' useful to many of us .

If you are still suffering from acid reflux and changing your diet does not seem to help , you should consider seeing a doctor to rule out a structural abnormality ( hiatal hernia? ) Or other contributing factors your symptoms of gastric and esophageal reflux.

Even if you end up trying one prescribed by your doctor , it is a good idea to try to eliminate foods that promote your heartburn .

Increasing costs and raw foods and adopt an anti- inflammatory diet is a key to success.

Try to understand how to treat the causes of your symptoms rather than gastric reflux. You can learn more here:

Although there are a number of medicines against heartburn on the market, I strongly advise you to find simple solutions before you start medicating the problem.

When we treat the symptoms of a disease and do nothing for the underlying causes, it is only a matter of time before this condition causes more serious symptoms.

Start eating a little healthier , and you will notice an improvement, whatever your version of acid reflux. Be careful though, miracles are rare , you must be patient and methodical.

Many people suffering from burns of the esophagus night found an improvement in raising the level of the head of their bed. The addition of pillows do not have the same effect , raise the head of your bed at least ten centimeters will reduce the symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn .


Friday, April 12, 2013

Natural Acid Reflux Remedies for Babies and Infants

Acid reflux in infants and babies may be a much more current condition than acid reflux in

adults. it\'s traditional for infants to possess a relaxed Lower muscle system anatomical sphincter or LES,
this makes reflux a lot of common in infants. Most infants do spit out hefty amounts of

injested foods when uptake, though this occurence is indicative of AN acid reflux

condition, this by itself doesn\'t comfirm acid reflux within the kid, true solely gets

problematic once additionally to the present the kid additionally has not been gaining weight or is

constantly not comfy. Well here area unit some natural acid reflux remedies for babies and

infants that may facilitate bring comfort to the sick child.

Chamomile Tea
It has been found that giving the child 1-3 tablespoons per bottle of of herbaceous plant tea is

very effective.Enzymes and probiotics may be helpful, even in suckled babies.
Keep Calm and build every feeding peaceful and relaxed. attempt feeding your baby before he or she

becomes frantic, and don\'t try and rush it.

Sit Up
Feed your baby in AN upright position. Follow every feeding with twenty to half-hour in AN

upright or
sitting position. attempt exploitation either a front pack,a backpack or AN child seat. Gravity will

help abdomen
contents stick around within the abdomen. use caution to not jostle or jiggle your baby whereas the
food is subsidence. There area unit several nice feeding merchandise like wedges, seats for
posture, and bottles that may facilitate cut back the strain on you and your baby whereas keeping
them in AN upright position.

Feeding Schedule
Try feeding your baby in smaller parts however a lot of ofttimes. Feed your baby an oz less

than usual or limit the nursing sessions to only one breast.

Take Time to Burp
Take time to burp. Frequent burps throughout and when every feeding will keep air from
building up within the baby\'s abdomen. Do sit your baby in AN upright position, supporting his

or her head
with your hand. Avoid projection your baby over your shoulder, which can pressurize your baby\'s


Check the reproductive organ
If you\'re employing a nursing bottle, check that the gap or hole within the reproductive organ is that the right

size. If the gap is just too massive, the milk can flow too quick. If it\'s too little,
your baby could get pissed off and begin gulping air. A nipple
that is the proper size can permit some drops of milk to
fall out once you hold the bottle the other way up. Try Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Bottles.

Thicken the Formula
With the approval of your baby\'s doctor, add alittle quantity of rice cereal to your baby\'s

formula. you\'ll then ought to enlarge the outlet within the reproductive organ to create positive your baby will

drink the thickened formula.

Raise the top of the Crib
Lying flat could worsen reflux. place your baby to sleep on the babies back, however check that

you elevate the top of your baby\'s crib 25-30 degrees. you\'ll additionally  use wedges and motion

beds. you\'ll realize all of those things at your native baby store. Of course, consult your

baby’s doctor before attempting any of those ways.
Remember, reflux is typically very little cause for concern for your baby’s health. it\'s aiming to
be mores nerve-wracking for you; therefore be relaxed, however well aware. Keep lots of burp cloths
